The plica is a synovial fold in the capsule of the knee that can become inflamed and cause pain referred to as ‘ plica syndrome’. The medial plica is the most commonly injured site due to its likelihood of being impinged by femur and patella on movement.

This condition is often difficult to diagnose and can present in a number of ways but usually begins with intermittent dull ache on the medial knee that is often aggravated by steps, squatting , rising from a chair and/or sitting for extended periods. Plica syndrome can also cause locking/ giving way and clicking. If a tear is present this can lead to pain and locking with bending of the knee .These symptoms can be aggravated by physical activity and result in pain and inflammation.
It is important to rule out other causes of knee pain and giving way such as a meniscal tear or ligament damage to ensure appropriate rehabilitation and management of your injury as Plica syndrome can be commonly found as a part of other conditions. Management can vary depending on your presentation. If you are concerned that you are experiencing these signs and symptoms contact Physica Spinal and Physiotherapy clinic for a thorough assessment by our experienced physiotherapists.